Monday, August 29, 2011

Aug 25, 2011

Today, my friends shared with me a new snack, one I have never tried before. But thats not where I want to start.

Everybody here knows atleast one word in English, and that one word that everybody knows is 'happy'. My teacher just asked me like 2 seconds ago if I was happy. Sometimes these people confuse me. They seem to be like not afraid to be touchy but then they don't wanna hug you. When someone is talking to me or a teacher is asking me if im happy they like rub and squeeze my arm and it makes it seem like they are a realy touchy type of people, but that is SO not the case. I have only a few friends here that are not afraid to give me a hug.

Anyway, back to the snack. It's sweet, its spicy, its fried and they tell me its originally chinese. My friend Pee sells it in my classroom, she gets it from her family because her family sells treats like that as part of their business. They call it Giaw. Take the shell of an egg roll and cut it into squares. For size reference 4 of the squares fit in a perfect box on the palm of my hand. The first time they made me try it, it was way too spicy for me and I did not like it at all! Then they made me try it again the next day, then the next day again and suddenly I decided it was ok, then I decided I liked it!

I'm glad I enjoy it now, I eat alot of it in class :)


1 comment:

Susan Earp said...

The most recent Rotary magazine shared that there is a snack made of puffed rice held together with watermelon juice and drizzled with palm sugar called kow taan. It's a salty and sweet combination that is perfect in the middle of a hot and sticky day. It goes great with beer, but I'm sure it would also go great with a cola!