Monday, August 29, 2011

Aug 23, 2011

It's Tuesday and I am at school in math class and honestly? Don't understand a word. I can look at their books and recognize the diagrams and equations but I have no idea what the teacher is saying. They are learning the Pythagorean theorem.

Anyway, thought school is mostly boring when it comes to sitting in a class that is being taught in a language other than my own,  it is also a lot of fun. Yesterday after school when I was waiting for Kwanąø” Tian and I went to play badmitton and we met us some boyzzzz :) Tian came to me and told me that someone wanted to talk to me, which brings me to something that is annoying here. Thai people are extremely non-confrontational, it gets annoying because they wont come up to you and say hi, they go to their friend who goes to their friend and then they stand around you until you look at them and they bow their head before they address you which most of the time would make you feel honored but mostly for me I'm thinking, JUST TALK TO ME.

Anyway, back to Tian. Since Tian was my friend she just came up to me and told me someone wanted to talk to me, of course he was bowing his head so I couldn't really see his face, but when he lifted his head I was like... Well, actually I didn't say anything because I was completely speechless.... he looked like he walked straight out of a magazine.

Just to let you know this is kind of embarrassing typing this but I think it adds to the sense of the experience that I am trying to show you :)

Anyway, by the time my breath finally came back, he had asked me my name and I told him and he told me his name. Nek. Nek, straight out of Men's Health Magazine. He was taller than me which is acually saying alot because I'm alot taller than most boys and girls here. My friends talk about boys ALOT and every time I meet  a new person the third question they ask is if I have a boyfriend.

Thats all I have time to type now but, yea, BYE!



Susan Earp said...

How about a photo of Nek?

Rachel Lee said...

If I can I will, he is in a separate building than mine and he is a grade higher than me, I will definetly see if I can :) Mabe Tian can hook me up :)